This year so far

So I had been really busy with multiple projects from top of the year till now. I finally had a chance to sit down and revise what I’ve done so far and decided to share some of my work.

Bjork - Utopia Tour - DSP design

I was commissioned by her team to create Max For Live plugin utilising machine learning and Markov chain to process and create new melodies based on her performances. She’s touring with it as I type this and I can only share this much as it still is in development phase but I surely enjoyed every single moment! If you are interested, here are a link to Vogue article regarding the tour.


Submerge - International digital arts festival - Bristol - with Bean

We were commissioned by Arts Council last year to develop a durational piece based on human live input and machine learning. We had an honour to premier the work at Submerge Festival in Bristol at the prestigious Arnolfini. Here are some clips from the performance

Profound Sound - Experimental music festival - Folkestone

We had another fantastic year with the festival and it was really special experience for me as I was part of the curatorial team and get to invite some of my favourite artists including Tim Exile as well as running a PureData workshop based on the work I’ve done with Rebel Technology for Raymond Scott foundation. I also had exciting time on stage with my good friend Anil Sebastian on stage for our collaborative improvised performance. Here’s a pic of us looking serious at twiddling some knobs! Once the video is ready, I’ll share it with you!

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